Exception Log - Speedcrypt File Encryption

File Encryption
Encrypted Files
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Exceptions Log...
Speedcrypt Exceptions Log
Speedcrypt uses an exception-based strategy to keep the program flow stable. Exceptions are generated whenever the user performs operations that require confirmation or endanger the correct functioning of the program. The latter ensure that the user always has complete control of the data flow. For what has been said, we are therefore dealing with two types of exceptions:

  • Invisible exceptions: Speedcrypt resumes the data flow completely autonomously
  • Visible Exceptions: require confirmation for data flow to resume

Having said that, let's now look at these types of exceptions, when and how they are generated and to which project modules they are connected. The modules in question respond to calls from the various components that make up the program, such as forms and windows.

Once Speedcrypt is installed or the folder containing the Portable Version is decompressed, please make sure to indicate to your antivirus that Speedcrypt is not a virus through a specific exception. Unfortunately, it is possible that it may be flagged as a suspicious file. In this case, Speedcrypt may not work correctly in the system being used if not protected by the aforementioned exception.
Main Window
Now let's see what are the exceptions generated when you are operating in the main window of the project and their degree of criticality. Basically, in an intact system, certain exceptions should never occur, but in any case it is good to anticipate them and, if possible, remedy situations that could prove to be highly critical.
  Invisible Exceptions
 Criticality Level
 Main Form: error, Speedcrypt cannot create backup archives
  Very High
 Main Form: error, Speedcrypt cannot encrypt or decrypt the files list
  Very High
 Main Form: error, Speedcrypt cannot create encrypted archives
  Very High
 Main Form: error, Speedcrypt cannot delete encrypted archives
 Main Form: error, Speedcrypt found files opened in another process or not existing and deleted them from the list
 Main Form: error, Speedcrypt cannot analize and load the files list    Not-Criticality
In the unfortunate event that the errors listed above should occur, we will try, in list order, to remedy each single situation:

  1. The antivirus prevents it from working properly. Create apposite exception.
  2. Run a full algorithms Self-Test and restore the archives from the backup files.
  3. Try reinstalling Speedcrypt or if you are using the portable version try the process from another location.
  4. Restore archives from backup files and try the operation again
  5. You are trying to decrypt files that have been opened in another process, moved, or deleted.
  6. An attempt was made to import files or lists of files that are not compatible with Speedcrypt.
  Visible Exceptions: Message Box
 Criticality Level
 Error: Speedcrypt cannot find or recognize PGP keys
  Very High
 Error: Invalid password or corrupted data
  Very High
 Error: this password already exist in...
In the unfortunate event that the errors listed above should occur, we will try, in list order, to remedy each single situation:

  1. One or both PGP keys have been modified, moved or deleted.
  2. You are entering the wrong Master Key. If the error persists try to restore the archives and repeat the insertion
  3. You are trying to encrypt files with an existing Master Key
The exceptions raised by Speedcrypt in the program settings window have a clearly lower criticality level than in the main program window. In fact, the visible exceptions prevail, i.e. those that ask the user to resume the data flow using the Ok Button.
  Invisible Exceptions
 Criticality Level
 Settings: error during scheme entry procedure
 Settings: the selected process failed
 Settings: the HASH Test print procedure failed
 Settings: Error creating and starting the Batch File
If the invisible exceptions described above occur, let's see how to deal with them and limit any problems:

  1. Try deleting the list of schemes and try again to compose them by omitting the check from the Update List item
  2. Try resetting all archives and then entering data from backup files if you have encrypted files
  3. The printing procedure was not successful. Try closing the Settings window and try again.
  4. The program was installed in Program Files (x86) or in Program Files. The antivirus prevents it from working properly.
  Visible Exceptions: Message Box
 Criticality Level
 Error: this is not a valid test file
 Error: this file is already processed
 Error: cannot change the algorithm
 Error: the path is already in use
 Error: the file path is incorrect or the file does not exist
 Error: the algorithm for decrypting has already been selected
 Error: the current scheme cannot be deleted
 Error: the folder path does not exists
 Error: the path is empty or the folder does not exist
 Error: Speedcrypt cannot find or recognize PGP keys
The exceptions described above would have much more criticality in the main program window. In this context they are all easily solvable.

  1. An attempt was made to insert an encrypted file into a real process. These files are not allowed
  2. An attempt was made to compress an already compressed file
  3. An attempt was made to set up another compression engine with a compressed file to decompress
  4. An attempt was made to enter a path that is already in use
  5. An attempt to insert a file from an incorrect path or the file does not exist
  6. An attempt was made to change the encryption algorithm with an encrypted file that needs to be decrypted
  7. An attempt was made to delete the current scheme
  8. The PGP Engine was selected but the folder does not exist
  9. The PGP Engine was selected but the path was not entered or the folder does not exist.
  10. The PGP keys have been modified, moved or deleted
The window named Self-Test as no criticality issues related to data flow. Everything takes place in a context of relative smoothness, in fact it was not necessary to use exceptions, least of all the invisible ones. The only exception is that relating to the printing procedure which was intercepted for prudence.
 Criticality Level
 Error: the Auto Self-Test print procedure failed
  1. The printing procedure was not successful. Try closing the Settings window and try again

Note: Before installing Speedcrypt or using the portable version, make sure that your system is efficient, clean, and performing well. If you have installed an antivirus, you may need to create an exception that allows Speedcrypt to perform its job correctly. Some antivirus programs may flag the program as a suspicious virus!
Clearly the list of exceptions will be updated during the work, while using Speedcrypt and when the Source Code will be analyzed from various sources. The hope is that a certain stability will remain already from this version, but there is no absolute certainty. I await the kind opinions of users and analysts. Thank you!
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